
Saturday, August 17, 2002

Maybe euthanasia for the stupid isn't such a bad idea after all.

A group of teenagers in the UK stole up into the attic where they had stashed some alcohol for use at a party to be thrown when the parents were out of town. While up there, the attic's trapdoor slammed shut, trapping the teenagers. They proceeded to spend the next 27 hours screaming for help until one of them noticed something peculiar about the door that they had been tugging on for hours.

It opened the other way.

True story.

Sunday, August 11, 2002

There's a movement afoot to outlaw confining pregnant pigs to small spaces on the grounds that it's unconstitutional (unconstitutional? What does the constitution say about animal rights?). What I want to know, is why they're suddenly concerned about pregnant pigs. Why not other pregnant animals? Why not all other animals? I don't see any reason why it's okay for every other animal to be confined, but not pregnant pigs.

This is just another example of people refusing to look at the big picture. It's like people saying it's wrong to kill dogs for food but not cows. There's no logic to it.

I've noticed that many people seem to confuse the word "unconstitutional" with the phrase "not in concordance with my personal beliefs." Just because you disagree with something, doesn't mean that the US Constitution bans it. Educate yourself before you make that claim.