
Friday, August 02, 2002

Three students--incoming Freshmen--and two taxpayers are suing The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Why? Because UNC-CH is requiring incoming freshmen to read a book on Islam. Needless to say, these five people are members of the Christian Church of Ignorance.

So supposedly, these students are going to UNC-CH to expand their minds, to learn, and to think about things differently from how they used to: that's the whole point of higher learning, no? And these students seem okay with that idea, except when it comes to things that, well, expand their minds, teach them new things, and encourage them to think differently. Because we all know that once you've committed to Christianity, you burn in Hell if you even consider educating yourself about something else.

Oh, and these students wish to remain anonymous. Surprise, surprise. Gotta love that Christian Courage. Soldiers for Jesus, right? No fear; just love for the Lord!


Thursday, August 01, 2002

Frustratingly, this blog doesn't offer direct links to posts, so I can't link straight to the post I want you to read, so I'm just going to be a leech and repost it here:

--- From Squalor.Blogspot.Com. Do visit.
So all nine miners have been rescued and I'm amazed and relieved, but why does MSNBC have to go for the "hero" angle at the first given opportunity? Why can't the miners just be "really lucky sons of bitches who hung in there like champs"? Don't mean to be excessively cynical here, but I do hope they don't have their own "We can't follow what YOU did" benefit concert, turning another clannish, misunderstood, fashionably blue-collar workforce into a patriotic Amurrican icon. While I was following some of the news coverage tonight (particularly that sleazoid jackass Geraldo Rivera on FOX News), I kept thinking of The Simpsons' riotously disingenuous Live Aid-stylee celebfest "We're Sending Our Love Down the Well."

This is not to say that I don't stand in awe of the hard work cops, firemen, and coalminers do, and the way their jobs require them to enter into hazardous situations. They're professionals; mostly they ain't fucking around. But it unsettles me that the starched-shirt sensationalist media has to leech every blood cell of credibility from The Humble Working-Class Ethic to enhance its own image as a hardline, true-grit News Source. When I hear the word "hero" from such a source, I immediately see it spelled out not with letters, but with dollar signs.

posted at 3:06 AM

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

LOL! So New Haven, Connecticut's school system has an interesting new policy. Not only do kids get report cards, but now parents do too. They have to ensure that their children attend school regularly enough, they have to volunteer at least once per grading period, and they have to do some other task in order to receive a passing grade. If they don't, then the school system reports them to one of the city's child protection agencies.

Now, I agree that people are still damn stupid when they finish school, and, though I do think the school systems are very much at fault, I also know that parents just don't give a crap generally. But at the same time, many parents, especially working parents, especially single working parents, simply do not have the time during the day to come into school to volunteer. And these same parents aren't at home to completely ensure that their children are at school. The only thing this is going to do is just make the parents who already have too many hours in the day feel better about themselves and make those parents who don't feel even worse about it. But it's not going to change anything. Most employers aren't going to be willing to say "yeah, sure, go take the day off 4 times a year and don't worry about it." So the parents have a choice: get a good grade from their child's school, or keep their jobs. I know which I would choose.

What I'm looking forward to now is bumper stickers that say "my parents are honor roll students at Anytown High School."

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

So I think I'm officially a slacker now. Almost a week without an update. Maybe that's 'cuz not many things have pissed me off. I've noticed that I tend to post most often when I'm pised. I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I think the biggest problem is that I'm just getting more and more tired as the summer goes on. I'm gonna need a summer break to recuperate from my summer break.

So somenoe inspire me. Blah. ::goes back into mental hibernation::