Life is amazing. Some people seem to be charmed, some people seem to be cursed, and some people seem not to have a clue what's going on around them. I just got off the phone with a friend of mine, and it really blows me away how different our lives are. I'm living in the sheltered world of academia, completely oblivious to everything that represents the Real World. But at the same time, college is supposed to be preparing me for the real world. (Hmph; like High School prepared me for college, right? Or like High School prepares anyone for anything?) On the other hand, my friend was bored silly with the absuridities of college life, and chose to pursue another path; he entered the workforce. So here we are, two people frustrated for the same reasons with two totally different situations: I'm frustrated because academia is bullshit, even if it is a lot of fun; he's frustrated because the workforce without an education is bullshit. So what are we to do? Maybe all of life is bullshit, and everyone's in constant denial? The people who are depressed are the people who have come to that stark realization: they know that nothing is really worthwhile. The people who are happiest are those who choose not to believe any of it. Ignorance is bliss, yes; but denial is ecstasy.
I really wonder sometimes if I would be better off dropping out of college and just not giving a crap about anything, and traveling the country or the world Jack Kerouac-style. I always decide not to because logic dictates that I'd just be messing up my life to do so. But why do I think that? Maybe it's always been ingrained in my mind that to have a good life, one must follow through with the rituals that society dictates; my society says "go to college, get an education." Yeah, I love learning. I love my school. I love everything about it. But it's because I'm in denial. I don't want to believe that there's anything else out there.
I don't think that my school is teaching me any more about life than High School did. So why do I think that spending time here will improve my life? Because society says so, and society makes the rules. I'm in society, so I follow the rules, and everyone's happy.
Yeah for denial.
Saturday, May 25, 2002
Why are you here, reading this blog? Do you want to know what I have to say, or do you just have some time to kill before you go back into society?
Supposedly, everyone has something to say. If that's true, why is there so much bullshit in the world? Why aren't people saying the things that they actually have to say? Next time you're peoplewatching, pay attention to what people are talking about. I almost guarantee you that they're talking about either nothing, their jobs, or something they heard on the news. (I contend that the last one--what they heard on the news--is the same thing as "nothing," but that's for another blog entry.) I don't even think that I have anything worthwhile to say. You're skeptical: why do I have this blog if I don't have anything to say? Because I enjoy expressing myself, as we all do. That's why we buy cellphones and we sign up for accounts on AOL Instant Messenger and we go to coffee shops and talk. We enjoy talking. That doesn't mean that anything that comes out of our mouths is worthwhile. So keep on talking, content in the knowledge that nobody gives a crap.
It's strange how some mornings you wake up and you know exactly how things are going to go that day. Some days are amazing, other days you wish you had stayed in bed, cuddled next to your premonitions of disaster. We all know that it's safe in bed, but is it worth safety to be boring and miserable?
Is anything in life constant? Is anything universal? Even morality or spirituality? I don't think so. Everything is subjective, dependent upon the individual. There exist organizations whose sole purpose is to help us "realize" the universality of some concept, but the fact that these organizations even have a reason to exist proves that they're wrong. If something is universal, then no matter what, everyone will experience it in their lifetime. I'll use religion as an example. Many religions claim that they are universal and that there is no truth but their truth. But not everyone believes what they teach, not everyone experiences what adherents to their religion experience. Therefore, it is NOT universal. But at the same time, there is nothing wrong with some people believing in it. If it is true for you, then FINE, it's true for you. But also realize that it's not true for everyone. Get out of bed in the morning, even though you realize that things aren't going to go your way--that not everyone sees things the way you do. Life alone in bed ain't that fun.