Ewwww... I just found out that due to the drought they're gonna be imposing some restrictions on water usage on the 24th: no more watering the lawn or washing the car... And just after I got her all Zainoed up and shiny and pretty. Oh, well, gotta be sure to wash on the 23rd and keep it clean via other means afterwards.
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Okay, I promised I was done Christian-Bashing for the day, but I found a really cool website with all sorts of products for one to show one's pride in not being "one of the sheep of Christianity." Enjoy!
Well now here's something interesting I read on soc.atheism the other day:
Posted by Hatter
I was discussing Christian mythology with some freinds and we came up with a paradox recently. All these christians going on about the guilt trip of "Died for your sins." Now according to the mythology God/Jesus knows that he isn't going to stay dead...what kind of sacrifice is that? "God made sure his only begotten Son had a shitty weekend for your sins," just doesn't get the guilt going enough for collection plate I suppose.
I hadn't really thought about it that way, but you know what, he's right, too. Kinda disturbing, really, that so much of Christianity is built upon that half-assed sacrifice. Maybe that means the Christian God wants us to half-ass all of our sacrifices, too. ::tithes 5%, beats his son only half to death, gives up stuff only every other day during Lent, etc...::
Actually, come to think of it, the Christian God half-asses a lot of stuff. I mean think about his promise never to flood the whole world again. Sure, he hasn't done that again, but he can still get away with smaller floods every now and then. And what about the promise that Jesus will one day return? He meant eventually. Riiiight.... And what about God's promise that if Adam eats the apple that he'll die? Wellll, maybe God will go easy and just punish him instead.
You know what else I've also always wondered? Why, if god is omnipotent, he needed a day to rest after creating the universe? Lazy bastard ;-).
Yeah, so that's my Christianity-Bashing for the day. :-)
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
I'm a wee bit less exhausted today, but not much. But I just found out something fantastic! Next year in our local Best of Broadway series, BOTH Miss Saigon and Blast are going to be playing!!!! I'm so excited!!! Whee!!!
I'm actually at the library right now waiting for my brother to finish looking for a book. Whenever I go to the library I'm always so tempted to get way more books that I will be able to read, but I guess that's half the fun of it, isn't it? There are so many things that I should be posting about, and, if my good mood stays where it is now and my energy level doesn't drop at all, I'll be able to post something worthwhile later tonight I think, I hope. So yeah. I don't know if there was any point to this post here, but I figured I'd write it anyway. YAY FOR BROADWAY! :-D
Monday, June 10, 2002
I started writing a serious post, and then my energy level and motivation and give-a-crap level just dropped and so now I don't care so much. I'm exhausted physically and mentally and I really don't care about so much right now. I just want to go to bed, but then I have to get up at 6:15 tomorrow morning for work. BLAH is all I have to say. I had planned on getting so much stuff done in the evenings after work, but I'm so tired from having to get up so early and not having a chance to really relax at all during the day that I don't see that happening. Here's my plan for the summer, that probably won't ever get done
- Finish detailing my car (almost done with the exterior, gotta start on the interior)
- Write 2 screenplays: one feature, one short; do a shooting script on the more viable one
- Actually make a hard copy of the "worlds" that I've made up in my mind -> perhaps write stories that take place there?
- Invent a language
- Become more involved in photography
- Some other things that I was thinking of and now I just want to go to bed....... I'll update this list again later. Yeah....
Goodnight. ::sighs::
I'm back from my vacation to Florida now, and I had a bunch of thoughts during that break that I'll post later.
I started work today. God, it's gonna be a long summer... And lonely: everyone I know is out of town for the most part. Oh, well; c'est la vie.
BTW: Information on the new design for the World Trade Center is available and very interesting. Take a look at it.